Here is something a bit different. A customer requested some freight doors to use on his model of the Lackawanna South Bronxs Freight House, so we produced these. They are taller than the usual at 10'-0" and have three window lights across the top. They are each 4'-0" wide so a set is 8'-0" which was typical of freight doors around this time period. The doors are two part and come attached as a single sheet but are easily split down the center score line to either make single doors or to have one door open. Acetate is included for the glazing of the windows and is easily applyied if you order the adhesive backing.
Be sure to check out the How To Article on how to Work With Our Windows and Doors. The button is down the left hand side of all pages. The crossbucks are to be glued on top of the scribed doors.To use these doors it's recommended to paint them while they are still attached to the carrier sheet. After they have dried cut both the scribed backing piece and the crossbuck frame piece free from the carrier sheet. There are small tabs along the edges holding them to the carrier sheet. Proceed to carefully remove the protective backing sheet from the back of the crossbuck frame then align it with the front of the scribed piece and laminate the two together. If you want your doors to be open and show crossbucks on both sides then make up to single sided doors and then remove the protective backing sheet from both and laminated them back to back. Otherwise leave the protective backing sheet on the back of the assembled door.
NOTE ON MATERIALS: We now offer a choice between CARDSTOCK or RCBOARD.
CARDSTOCK has a smooth finish and is real stable. Does well with paints but you need to be careful when painting thin mullions. Click here to read the Q&A concerning the CardStock material. -$0.50 discount
RCBOARD is a plastic impregnated cardstock and is both durable and easy to paint. RCBoard works well with thin mullions but otherwise is very similar to our cardstock material. Excessive wetness can warp this board.