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Rail Scale Models Product Details

Product ID RSM-D5200a

N Scale Tarpaper Sheets Traditional

Price: $4.95

An alternate to the Aged Tarpaper Sheets is this more traditional tarpaper material - cut from the same heavy wood-grained paper as our roofing shingles, and available in the same colors.


Each packet includes four (4) sheets that each measure approximately 6" x 2" and are easily cut and applied to your sub-roofing.

Also available are laser pre-cut strips - your choice of 36", 42", or 48" wide strips for your selected scale.

If you desire a weathered appearance to the Tarpaper: 
For the Black Tarpaper a light over-spray of Gray Automotive Primer. Keep the coating just a fine mist, do not over spray the tarpaper sheet.
For the Gray Tarpaper a light over-spray of a Flat Black will work. Keep the coating just a fine mist, do not over spray the tarpaper sheet.

For un-cut sheets, cut the sheet to a 3 foot width in your chosen scale. Use a sharp X-Acto blade and a very low angle on the blade. Use a steel rule as a guide held down firmly on the tarpaper sheet.

Use Tacky Glue, White Glue, a Glue Stick, or 3M #465 Transfer Tape to apply your strips of Tarpaper to the sub-roof of your model. Carefully smooth the sheets down and overlap successive sheets a scale 3" as you move up the roof with each row of Tarpaper. Seams can be highlighted with Gloss Black Paint to simulate fresh tar sealant.

Weathering can be done with pastel chalks and fixative sprays. A light application of a wire brush or scratch brush can be used to feather edges or show worn spots.

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