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Card Stock Facts

Facts about our new various materials for laser cut windows/doors and wall laminates.

We offer three different materials for these products with each having it's own Pro and Con features.

1. Cardstock = 6 ply card 1/64" thick  (.020")- PRO: laser cuts clean, no grain direction. CON: weakest material, susceptible to warping from heavy painting, will crease if bent too far.

2. RC Board = Above cardstock that has been saturated with resin plastic .016" thick or .022 thick - PRO laser cuts clean, no grain direction, strong and stable. CON: can be susceptible to warping with heavy painting. Our most popular material for windows, doors and laminate wall materials.

3. Plywood = 1/64" and 1/32" thick (.020" and .032"), 3 ply imported birch plywood - PRO: wood grain, strong, bends readily. CON: single grain direction, tendency to burn when laser cutting. Thin mullions tend to be brittle and break easy. i/32" not suitable for windows.

Q. Just what is the difference in the designs of the Cardstock, RC Board and Plywood windows and doors?

A. They are the same basic designs. I a few cases we have widened the mullions on windows to better utilize certain materials.

Q. How thick are these materials?

A. The card stock is a 6 ply hot pressed board that is .020" thick. That's the same thickness as the RC Board and 1/64" plywood.

Q. Are the card stock windows and doors better than the plywood ones?

A. That would depend on your use. The plywood is stronger and somewhat more flexible than the card stock. RC Board is the most popular material because it has the best all around properties.

Q. Then what is the advantage of each of these materials?

A. As stated above, each material has it's own advantages and disadvantages. If the windows or doors are to be painted the RC Board is your best choice.

Q. Is painting the card stock windows and doors different than the RC Board or plywood ones?

A. Actually no. It's best that each material should be given a primer coat of a solvent based paint such as Floquil. Use light coats of pain and build up color with multiple coats allowing each to dry totally before applying the next coat of paint. After that water based paints such as Poly Scale or acrylic craft paints can be used. All painting should be done before placing on the acetate.

Q. What other advantages might there be to the card stock or RC Board over the plywood?

A. With no grain direction it's easier to cut the stock without it splintering or breaking. Also, it's easier to do such painting effects as "peeling paint" because you don't have a wrong grain direction showing. You can do double sided sashes on windows a little easier with the card stock because of the self-adhesive backing.

Q. Is the self-adhesive backing permanent or temporary?

A. The self-adhesive applied to the back of the these materials is a strong permanent adhesive and once burnished down should not delaminate at all.

Q. What do these card stock windows and doors look like?

A. Click here to see an example.