Sheet of laser-cut windows including pre-cut acetate glazing sheet.
Includes 1-piece window framing, top pane, and positionable lower pane.
Includes the following window assemblies:
> 1-over-1, double-hung, 18" x 78" window (wall opening = 0.475" x 1.69") - quantity = 4 assemblies.
> 2-over-2, double-hung, 38" x 78" window (wall opening = 0.90" x 1.69") - quantity = 3 assemblies.
> double 2-over-2, double-hung, 78" x 78" windows (wall opening = 1.715" x 1.69") - quantity = 2 assemblies.
Designed as an alternate for the Grandt Line series of windows: 3767, 3768, 3769.
Each is designed to accommodate overlap with back side of window trim.
Each window assembly includes top pane/frame, lower positionable pane, 1-pc perimeter trim, and pieces of pre-cut window glazing. Assemble each window on the bench, and drop the assembly into your wall opening.
Designed for exterior attached windows - as on a wooden structure, but may be used in masonry structures by omitting exterior perimeter trim piece. These windows are a good set to use for a bay window structure - with narrow windows on sides, and either single or double 2-over-2 windows in center.
NOTE ON MATERIALS: We now offer a choice between CARDSTOCK or RCBOARD. Only offered with self-adhesive backing to accommodate ease of assembly.
CARDSTOCK has a smooth finish and is real stable. Does well with paints but you need to be careful when painting thin mullions. Click here to read the Q&A concerning the cardstock material.
RCBOARD is a plastic impregnated cardstock and is both durable and easy to paint. RCBoard works well with thin mullions but otherwise is very simular to our cardstock material. Excessive wetness can warp this board.