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Rail Scale Models Product Details

Product ID RSM-D4014

HO Service Bay Overhead Doors

Price: $7.95

Here you have a typical service bay overhead door consisting of five horizontal panels with 4 openings to each panel. These thin framed doors had the four top panels containing glass and the bottom panel was generally wood. If the frame was metal the set up was the same except the panel was metal. Some had a hole cut in the one of the bottom panels to run an exhaust tube out of.

Karl Osolinski, noted master model builder, was the inspiration behind this door. He wrote and said it was needed in model railroad world and gave a very good description and so it came into being.

The doors are designed for a 10 foot wide opening by 11 feet high. There is a score between each panel that should show when painted. This can be used to either score heavier to bend or even to cut on. There is a piece of acetate glazing included.

Six single sided doors or three double sided doors can be made from these doors laser cut doors.






Service Bay Overhead Door 6 10'-0" 11'-0" 1.3793" 1.5172"
Actual sizes show are approximate. You will need to use the actual item to cut the openings properly.


NOTE ON MATERIALS: We now offer a choice between CARDSTOCK or RCBOARD.

CARDSTOCK has a smooth finish and is real stable. Does well with paints but you need to be careful when painting thin mullions. Click here to read the Q&A concerning the CardStock material.  
-$0.50 discount

RCBOARD is a plastic impregnated cardstock and is both durable and easy to paint. RCBoard works well with thin mullions but otherwise is very similar to our cardstock material. Excessive wetness can warp this board.

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