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Rail Scale Models Product Details

Product ID RSM-L2502

O Scale Lightly Aged Common Brick Trim Sheet 2

Price: $13.45

Laser cut sheet of lightly aged common brick trim pieces. Sheet is 12" wide by 9" high. Sheet contain many of the elements needed to trim out our Common Brick Wall laminate sheet L1501. Comes either with self-adhesive backing or without.

This is the same sheet as our L1501 common Brick Wall Trim Sheet 1 but a light ageing finish to the brick surface has been added. This is a random pock marking of the brick surface and gives the walls a look of brick that has seen the weather.

NEW: A good way to paint these sheets is to spray with light coats of Automotive Gray Primer. Do this from each edge of the sheet towards the center. This is to get the gray down into the mortar lines. When the primer is dry use a dry brush technique to apply a top coat of your chosen color to the face of the blocks or bricks. 

Our RC Board (resin coated cardstock) has unique painting qualities. The RC Board is a plastic finish so the paints don't tend to soak in. You will get brighter colors with it. The laser cutting is deep so that when painted powdered chalks may be added to simulate cement mortar.

On this sheet of Brick Trim you will find: Header Bond, Soldier/Stack Bond and Sailor Bond strip pieces. These are designed to be cut into individual or dual long rows and used as trim pieces. For large curved headers a single row of Soldier Bond can be used by cutting between each brick approximately 2/3rds of the way down and laminating the strip to the curve desired.

A row of Soldier Bond laid down as trim over the top of the Common Brick wall sheet and then capped with a row of Header Bond makes a nice 3D trim at the top of walls.

The Herringbone Bond can be used for decorative trim between windows, over windows or even as pavement.

The circular trim pieces can be used for around circular windows or vents. They can be cut in half and used as door or window headers.

The Quoin pieces can be used in conjunction with any of the strip trim pieces at the center point.

The straight Window/Door headers can be trimmed to length to fit your particual doors or windows.

The Soldier Bond strips could be used for the side of window openings.

The Soldier Bond strips could be used for window or door sills and capped on the outside edge with a strip of the Header Bond.

Use your imagination with these pieces.

Price is for one sheet.

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